Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When your in a hole stop digging

In this morning’s Money and Markets article, It was pointed out that state pension plans across the nation are crumbling and even trying to claw back benefits promised to retirees. It was also suggested that Social Security could soon follow suit. (2017 social secuirty retirees will outnumber workers!)

Well, here’s the proof that it’s already starting ...

According to an article recently published by Kiplinger, the Social Security Administration is secretly working on a new rule that could remove one of the best ways for current Social Security recipients to immediately increase their monthly benefit checks.

This strategy isn’t exactly popular — only about 1,000 savvy retirees took advantage of it in 2009 ... out of 37 MILLION people receiving Social Security benefits!

A lot more people would be using it if only they knew this secret provision existed. Washington knows that too, which is precisely why they’re working to shut it down now, before word really gets out. How is that for a cut to social security?

I have been writing about federal budget deficits which are at a staggering 16 trillion will explode once the social security crisis takes hold.

This will have the effect of driving up interest rates and inflation to double digits. Employment will follow suit.

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