Monday, September 13, 2010

Stop Paying to Much for Energy

Stop paying to much for energy!

De-regulation means you can shop for lower rates. We have the experience and knowledge to get you the cheapest energy rates for your business. By changing suppliers and locking in on today’s cheaper rates you can save now and protect against future increases. Our average savings is 20-50%.

In the past 10 years, electric rates have tripled and because of increasing future demand this will surely rise. Lock in today and start paying less next month.

EXAMPLE: Your electric bill currently is $10,000 per month. By switching with America Approved, you could save from 2-5k per month. That is real savings!

What if you are a larger commercial building and you are paying 250k per year? You could save over $50k per year!

Energy rates are low so now is the perfect time to lock!

This is what I need to get your business approved. Send to my attention the last 3 months of gas and electricity bills. Simple! I will get back to you with a quote from our wholesale market.

If you have questions, I am available 9am-9pm, 7 days a week or visit our web site at

E mail me direct at

With Common Interest,

Scott Ryley

America Approved Inc.

Senior Energy Consultant


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