Thursday, March 31, 2011

Commercial Financing and Business Credit

As the government continues to break all spending records the evidence is clear that without drastic change the consequences will be enormous. Inflation concerns keep growing as the national debt reaches historical levels. The Fed as artificially held down interest rates for more than 2 years but this policy will soon stop. What does this mean for business owners and real estate investors? High inflation will drive interest rates much like the late 1970's. As interest rates climb more and more borrowers become disqualified leaving a greater surplus of properties. Currently the national average is 9 months but this may continue to grow with a large amount of foreclosures soon to hit the market.
This remains the ideal time to buy. Prices are low and interest rates remain at or near historic lows. Delaying a purchase could result in paying to much for a property because interest rates will soon rise exponentially. Low prices plus low rates equal the perfect storm to buy and hold. This recovery will take a lot longer than other recessions because of the great many factors effecting the economy. A solid real estate investment strategy is needed to weather the storm ahead. Part of that strategy should include establishing multiple lines of credit in advance to provide the necessary working capital for your business. Remember: the decisions we make or don't make today will either pay dividends in the future or have tremendous consequences.

At Axis Info Inc. we help businesses secure commercial financing and business lines of credit.
Our office hours are 8am 8pm Monday - Friday. Saturday by appointment.
Call 508-507-9539

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1 comment:

  1. [] method offers the possibility to determine the amount of loan needed and also the duration you can afford it, gives you a real chance to get the funds you need! For more Info, please visit at: commercial financing
